Friday, April 18, 2008

Where do we start

Welcome to The Net Intelligence Quotient.

A couple of weeks ago Damian and I had a great idea. What better way than a blog to communicate, to our colleagues and maybe some prospective NetIQ community users, what we are doing to help them and market NetIQ online. It is what we are all about after all: social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO).

Then I had to sit down and write this first post, something the NetIQ corporate blog writing team will be facing in the near future. Two questions came to mind:

The first was what should I write as an introduction? I felt this should include some information about Damian and I, our focus and objectives and what we will be covering. Was I right? A quick Google bought me to Linda Bustios' Corporate Blogging: Tips for Writing Your First Blog Post on Get Elastic. This is a great round-up of some excellent opinion and review of elements to roll into and consider in writing that first post. Some I had down, others I had missed.

The second was what could I glean from this experience to help our writing team down the road? Each writer on the team has their own skill set and range from think tanks full of thought leadership opinion pieces to a technical expert who can make the nuances of distributed Blackberry environment management
sound simple and make it so. It affirmed my opinion that a contributing / managing editor at large was required to develop the editorial calendar and to write pieces like the introduction.

This blog is your heads up, without disclosing too much to our competitors, to the latest online marketing wizardry and services we will be employing to help our customers and prospects find what they need to make the most from the NetIQ solutions. We will be following the development and launch of our community site, improvements in our SEO efforts and
payout on our Pay-per-click investments, amongst other things.

So stay tuned for our next post, bookmark this site and let our colleagues know where to get the latest information. We would also love to hear your thoughts and suggestions, so use the comments box and lets get this show on the road.

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