Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Aiding SEO with Linked-In

A primary objective is to increase the traffic on NetIQ.com. There are many ways to do this and one key method Damian and I are focusing on is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). A major part of our SEO strategy is garnering as many links to NetIQ.com as possible. This is because Search Engines like Google, who kindly outlines how to create a Google-friendly site, take the number of links into account as part of your ranking.

There are many ways of doing this and we will review them here over time, but this is something every employee can help with by obtaining and leveraging their LinkedIn profiles to boost our optimization. LinkedIn is a professional social networking website and we are using it to host the NetIQ GMC group and you can link back to your own website in your profile page. So you are asking: Does that really work? Yes, because Linkedin does not tag the outgoing links to stop the search engines following it out to the site.

Here is how to do this:

1. Switch profile view to full
- Click on 'edit my profile' in the left side menu
- Scroll down a little until you see the box below
- Click 'edit' and change it to full view
- Check the box next to 'Websites'
- Remember to save changes

Update you page to display customized web names
- Just above the public profile box you should see the word website in bold, click on 'edit' next to it (If not scroll down to additional details and hit 'edit' there)
- Where it says choose, pick 'other'
- Type in your company name in the cell called Website Title, i.e. NetIQ
- Enter the URL in the next cell
- Scoll down, save changes

Now you have done the hard stuff remember to add your personal Linked-In URL to your personal blog (I just got mine in here), comments on other blogs, Facebook profile, etc. It all helps with search engine rankings.

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